Much more than a mere language school


Congratulations to the 2023 Graduates!

Atilus, Taina ValérieBarthelemy, Julienne JennyBrun, SophieCholette, JosueDavidson, EmilieDrapeau, NathanFennessy, SeamasIdone, DavidJelili, AliKouame, MarthialLapierre-Thibodeau, ChloeLeblond, IsabelleMagan, SadiaMansour, YassinMunyurangabo, Iganze…


Co-operative Education Internship  What is COOP education ? Cooperative education allows you to apply your knowledge learned in…

Books return

You would like to inform you that you have until Friday, December, 11th 3:00pm to bring back textbooks…

Covid-19 crisis

Following announcements made by the Ontario government, our school is closed until further notice, to prevent the spread…

Important Notice

IMPORTANT NOTICE!  Following the announcements by the Ontario government, all schools are closed until September to prevent the spread…

Languages Tests Center

The new Languages tests Center is now in service at Éducation permanente. The Center will offer you the…